It’s not called Thanks-bingeing

With the Holidays coming up, it can be hard to keep up your healthy habits in the kitchen.  Believe me I KNOW!  It’s not easy say ‘no’ to things you LOVE and grew up eating. Not eating them almost feels like a crime. Like you’re cheating on Thanksgiving or something. Lets get real here, if you don’t consume at least half of the Pecan Pie your sweet grandmother makes by hand each year she will probably cry. Within a second you suddenly become “That Guy” or “That Girl”. As everyone gathers around the table for Thanksgiving Dinner, everyone just stares at you, as if your the most evil person in the world. You can hear the chanting coming… It’s just PIE. Come on … look what you did to Granny. Eat the dang pie.

Welcome to the picture we paint in our heads to convince ourselves that going hog wild and binge our faces off on Thanksgiving is totally fine. Yeah no… not so much. If you know me, you know that I am not known to butter things up (no pun intended, I do love butter). I say it like it is and that’s what I am here to do. Sorry, I’m not sorry.

That being said, I guess all of this does depend on your current goals. Which are different for everyone, but if your reading this blog, I would have to guess losing muscle and gaining fat isn’t exactly something your looking to accomplish. If not, well then maybe I can still help you not put yourself in place of gluttony that makes you hate yourself come the morning after Thanksgiving. I’ve been there. It’s no bueno.

So here is the deal. Just ONE WEEK of binge eating and drinking can crush MONTHS of hard work in the gym.  Just think about how HARD it is to lose weight, but how EASY it is to pack on the pounds. Think about how hard it is for you to stay on track. Are you the type of person who can have a full day of eating fun and wake up the next day, get your workout in and move on with your normal clean eating life without leftover treats? It’s important to recognize not only what your goals are in the gym, but also what is the goal long term for your health and longevity. I myself come from serious eating disorders and food addiction. So me binging on Thanksgiving is a huge RED FLAG. I know that I will want to eat all damn day and although that wasn’t the easy thing to admit to myself, once I did, it made it a whole heck of a lot easier come T- Day each year.

Here is the bottom line. Thanksgiving isn’t just about the food so don’t let it be. You have joined in the journey to change your life through fitness and better eating, so why continue with the SAME old traditions? Things have changed, you have changed! It’s time for a new set of traditions! Take them for what they are, still enjoy what you love with who you love!

  1. Change your point of view from Thanks-bingeing Dinner to Thanksgiving Dinner.  You wouldn’t normally fix 2 Proteins, 5 Vegetables, 2 Different Breads and 5 Cakes and Pies for dinner, would you?  So, why do you do it for this day?  Scale it back!  1 Turkey and 2-3 sides and maybe 1 treat are just fine.
  2. Make it Paleo. Im not talking about the kind of Paleo that over uses Agave, Honey, Almond Meal and Gluten Free junk food.  Im talking about REAL FOOD.  Meat and Veggies just like the Pilgrims.
  3. Use this as an education opportunity.  Your kids/family are going to push back.  Do some research together on what was eaten at the first Thanksgiving.  Discuss together how to adapt those foods in to your meal to be more like that first Thanksgiving.  I bet you nothing the Pilgrims ate came from a package!
  4. Make new traditions.  This is a time to break from the traditions of desserts and sugar overload and occupy your family with activities that are in the spirit of giving thanks.  Volunteer to feed the needy, take a covered dish to a friend in need this holiday season, or stay inside your own doors and do a fun craft together like making a Thanksgiving Tree.
  5. Get Active! Your family has been wondering all about this CrossFit thing, so why not take them through a body weight WOD out on the lawn? Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be all food comas and football you know! Leading by inspiration really will inspire you as well!

This Turkey day practice moderation. Lead from the front! Have just one serving of your favorite pie Granny makes, instead of eating the whole pie. I promise she will forgive you!