3 Nutritional Considerations for Masters Athletes

As we get older, our bodies evolve in form, function, and needs. We can also evolve with it by making adjustments in different areas along the way. One of those areas is in nutrition. While doing research on this topic, these three items came up pretty consistently and I wanted to share them. I even learned a few things. Obviously, I’m not a medical professional or even a nutritional specialist, and each person has their own individual needs. These are just some things to keep in mind. Get with your coach to discuss any specific nutritional needs, concerns, or questions you might have.



We know protein is crucial to helping our bodies transform all the work we do into gains. However, as we get older, our body’s response to protein intake starts to decline. This is usually due to inactivity and/or poor diet. Coach Emilio has a great explanation of protein synthesis, check it out below to learn how it works. We are at an advantage because, CrossFit. However, you might want to take a look at your protein intake, and possibly increase it. Eating protein-rich foods throughout the day, and not just post-workout, will help boost the recovery process and maintain your gains. There are plenty of recommendations out there on how much protein you should consume. Here are a couple of helpful reads:


Nutrition for the Masters Athlete

Protein Requirements for the Ageing Athlete

Recovery for Masters Endurance Athletes

Coach Emilio has a great explanation of protein synthesis, check it out below to learn how it works.



Leucine is one of the nine essential amino acids (a branch chain amino acid to be exact, or BCAA) provided by food. Specifically, leucine is essential to protein synthesis. This, combined with increased protein intake gets you well on your way to better/faster recovery and gains. There are a number of ways to get your Leucine on:


  • Whey-based protein powder
  • BCAA supplements
  • Lean meat, poultry, fish, beans, cheese (if you have any dairy issues, then cheese would not be an option of course)


Leucine: Anabolic Key to Unlocking Gains for Older Athletes



Older athletes can be more susceptible to dehydration than younger ones for a few reasons. One is our thirst sensation may decrease (therefore, we don’t take in fluids), we may sweat less, and there can be blood flow changes. Therefore, staying hydrated before, during, and after your workouts is even more important. So get your fluids in people, it’s probably one of the easiest things you can do.