Sheldon’s Corner: Are You Paying Attention To Your Joints?

As we age our joints age with us as well. No matter how healthy you eat or how much you exercise, joint deterioration is inevitable. Fortunately, there are ways you can prevent early joint injury or pain with diet. These 11 foods will help your joints stay healthy and pain-free.

1. Turmeric

That yellow powder usually used in curries and most recently in lattes could relieve your pain. Turmeric has shown to have similar pain-relieving effects as ibuprofen. The antioxidant, curcumin, may ease arthritis pain and swelling. It works by blocking the effects of pro-inflammatory causing enzymes and chemical pain messengers. Simply sprinkle some turmeric on your dishes or in your coffee to relieve the painful symptoms caused by joint pain and arthritis. Turmeric lattes are the hottest new latteè trend for coffee lovers everywhere.

2. Basil

This leafy green used in soups, salads, and on pizza just keeps getting better and better. The leafy green herb has been used in India and Europe for centuries. The use of basil in Europe and India isn’t just for delicious dishes. As a matter of fact, it also helps treat inflammation and joint pain. Eugenol, which is the enzyme that gives basil its sweet scent, is the same enzyme responsible for relieving pain. It is a strong anti-inflammatory and suppresses the activity of cyclooxygenase. This hard to spell and even harder to pronounce enzyme forms the lipid mediators the cause inflammatory responses in the body.

3. Onions

Onions carry strong opinions surrounding their taste and smell. The vegetable, onion. can have a positive effect on joint pain. In 2006, a study was released revealing that consuming quercetin orally decreased arthritis symptoms. The study suggested that onions might be beneficial to humans suffering from inflammatory pain or diseases. Adding onions to your diet, like on a salad or a sandwich can help relieve suffering. Of course, if you don’t like onions because of the taste, there are supplements that contain the same compound. Look for these pills at health food and supplement stores or online.

4. Red Apples

As the old saying goes, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away. This saying is true for those who suffer from joint stiffness, pain, and inflammation. This tasty fruit contains quercetin, an antioxidant that is shown to relieve pain. Red apples are rich in anthocyanins, a strong anti-inflammatory compound. This same compound is what gives apples their red coloring. Apples are easy to pack snacks and can stabilize blood sugar levels, relieve hunger, and keep you full between meals. Your parents weren’t just saying they were good for you for fun. They actually are and they are delicious as well.

5. Salmon

Salmon, like walnuts, are rich in omega fatty acids. More specifically, salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acid, which is known to reduce inflammation. Eat more salmon and you will notice a decrease in joint inflammation, joint stiffness, and joint pain. The pain and inflammation relief com is a result of the suppression of certain enzymes, which are associated with increased inflammation. Salmon is also a heart-healthy protein option. Omega-3 fatty acids support healthy brain and cognitive functions as well. Try switching out a meat dish for a fish dish one time or more a week to benefit.

6. Cherries

This small fruit is considered a ‘super-fruit’ and provides numerous health benefits. Incorporating cherries into your diet can help relieve joint pain, gout, and arthritis symptoms. Those that suffer from joint pain can potentially lessen the pain with cherries. Cherries contain a high level of antioxidants and anthocyanins. The two nutrients in cherries are known to relieve inflammation and stiffness in the body. Other research suggests tart cherries have similar effects; comparable to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs help reduce gout flares and relieve arthritis pain. Raw, cooked, or juice from cherries provide the good joint health benefits.

7. Garlic

A hit or miss for some; garlic can be useful in reducing inflammation in the body. Researchers are investigating the thiacremonone property, which is a sulfur compound found in garlic. Reports have discovered that some properties of garlic reduce inflammatory and arthritic responses in participants. Due to the potent flavor and smell, if you don’t like garlic there are other ways to include it in your diet. Garlic pills are available at a number of health food and supplement stores. Furthermore, garlic is also excellent for your heart and cardiovascular health. If there’s one thing you should include from this list, it’s garlic.

8. Nuts

Walnuts, cashews, and Brazil nuts all benefit your joint health. These nuts are rich in selenium, which helps control free radicals in the body. In one serving of Brazil nuts, nearly 780% of the daily recommended value of selenium is absorbed. Include cashews to receive almost 40% of your daily copper, more than 20% of your RDV and magnesium needs. Copper also assists in controlling the free radical levels in the body. Walnuts reduce inflammation and are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Just one serving of walnuts will give you over 90% of your recommended omega-3 fatty acids value.

9. Citrus

Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruit have the potential to ease joint pain. These citrus fruits help to ease previous damage to joints from an injury or overall general wear and tear. Over-exercising or poor form can cause joints to become damaged, torn, or sore. If you are increasing your exercise regimen, physicians suggest that you increase your citrus consumption as well. Vitamin C, the main vitamin found in citrus, boosts immunity as well. This will help protect you from diseases that have an effect on joints.

10. Strawberries

A summertime classic, strawberries are great for healthy joints. Strawberries have the potential to lower risk for arthritis, as well as gout. Strawberries are rich in vitamin C and can provide 160% of the daily value everyone needs. Eat Vitamin C to boost your immunity to other diseases and illnesses. Women who eat strawberries regularly had a lower measure of body-wide inflammation than those who did not eat strawberries. Strawberries contain more Vitamin C than oranges. They are rich folic acid as well. Strawberry season is just around the corner; so don’t forget to add them to your grocery list.

11. Orange, Green, and Yellow

Fruits and veggies that are of these colors make for healthy and happy joints. The Vitamin A and beta-carotene may ward off inflammation-related disorders. Beta-cryptoxanthin, which is also found in these colors assists in relieving the pain of rheumatoid arthritis sufferers. Orange, green, and yellow fruits and vegetables like carrots, mangos, and cantaloupe, avocado, and dark leafy greens are all joint healthy choices. Brussel sprouts and broccoli also have a powerful impact on reducing inflammation and joint pain. Beta-carotene is also supported healthy eyesight, so it’s important to include this even if you don’t suffer from joint pain.

Original Article: Click Here

All Made Simple – by: S.George


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