Sheldon’s Corner: These Red Foods are Great for the Body

Whenever you hear the slogan, “taste the rainbow”, you probably don’t think about eating healthy. In fact, a colorful and familiar candy probably springs to mind. However, eating the colors of the rainbow isn’t only in reference to candy. In fact, eating fruits and vegetables from the rainbow colors has a significant impact on your health. The color red symbolizes more than just love. Actually, in the science and health community, the color red is associated with health.

There are a numerous amount of studies that suggest eating red fruits and vegetables is beneficial for your overall health. While each color of the rainbow has its own health benefits, red carries the most impact. Red-colored fruits and vegetables fight against free radicals and cancer-causing toxins. Additionally, red fruits and veggies provide protection from stroke, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Arthritis sufferers and those who struggle with joint pain and mobility can find relief with the color red.



Tomatoes are packed with antioxidants like lycopene. Consequently, it is lycopene that gives tomatoes and other red fruits their coloring. While most nutrients from vegetables are absorbed best when raw; the lycopene in tomatoes absorbs better when cooked. Lycopene supports tissue, cardiovascular, and prostate health. In addition to these benefits, lycopene also protects against certain cancers.



Second, cherries provide another bountiful source of antioxidants. Thanks to their skin, cherries are high in fiber. Additionally, cherries are rich in vitamin C and potassium. Of course, you may already be aware, vitamin C is a natural immune booster. As a result, the vitamin C in cherries can protect against illness, disease, and infection. Potassium helps balance the sodium-potassium pump in the body. Cherries also promote cardiovascular health. Whether you eat cherries fresh or dried, add them to your next salad or trail mix.



Next, on the list are cranberries, which are the tart cousin of the cherry. While some find the naturally tart taste of a cranberry off-putting, they offer so many benefits. They are best known for their ability to prevent ulcers in the stomach and certain cancers. In some studies, cranberries have destroyed cancer cells in the lab. Besides being a cancer-fighting fruit, cranberries also assist in digestion. They prevent the bacteria that stick to the gastric walls that ultimately form ulcers.

Red Bell Peppers

red bell peppers

The red bell pepper has twice the vitamin C an orange, but that’s not all. Besides containing the natural immune-boosting vitamin C, they promote heart health. Red bell peppers reduce inflammation in the arteries, thus preventing heart disease. Jam-packed with antioxidants, red bell peppers fight off free radicals and cancer-causing toxins.



The small but mighty fruit, the raspberry is a powerhouse of health. High in fiber and rich in antioxidants, raspberries help protects against free radicals and cancer-causing toxins. They are rich in vitamin C, vitamin B, folic acid, and magnesium. Therefore, raspberries help reduce wrinkles, boost immunity, and prevent cancer.

Red Cabbage

red cabbage

Although red cabbage may appear purple in color, it contains the same benefits as the other red vegetables. Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, potassium, and fiber are all found in red cabbage. Red cabbage can decrease the risk of brain cancer and cardiovascular disease. It is also great for boosting the immune system and acts as an anti-fungal when fermented.



A root vegetable like the radish packs a punch in taste and health. These tiny bulbs are an excellent source of Vitamin C, folate, and potassium. For maximum nutrient absorption, these crunchy buds should be eaten raw.



Rhubarb is not only beautiful; it is an excellent source of vitamins and nutrients. The leaf of the rhubarb is green, but the root is red. Therefore it is classified as a red vegetable. Calcium, potassium, Vitamin K, and Vitamin C are all found in rhubarb. This vegetable promotes strong bones and a strong immune system.

Red Onions

red onions

Finally, red onions can give both your body and your next dish a little boost. There are several studies proving the cancer-fighting benefits red onions have to offer. Red onions also reduce cholesterol, support healthy liver function, and improve the immune system.

In conclusion, eating more red foods every day has a significant impact on your overall health. Of course, it is important to eat every color of the rainbow. However, red fruits and vegetables proved to be the champion of health. There is a wide range of fruits and vegetables that fall into the red color spectrum. The ones listed in this article are the top red foods in taste, health, and overall popularity. If there is a favorite red food you enjoy daily or seasonally, be sure to share it!

Original Article: Click Here


All Made Simple – by: S.George


“If you continue to do what you have always done, then you will continue to be who you have always been…you must change to change…”