July Athlete of the Month – Alaine Lester

When choosing our July Athlete of the Month, someone consistently stood out to us, not just for her dedication to fitness but for her unwavering commitment to long-term health goals. Alaine your persistence and discipline are truly inspiring and you never miss a session and you always push yourself to improve.

Beyond your impressive work ethic, you exude an infectious positivity that brightens the entire gym atmosphere. You embody the spirit of camaraderie, always willing to help out or share advice, making the gym not just a place to work out but a place to belong. Your consistent presence and uplifting attitude are a testament to the power of dedication and kindness in achieving both personal and communal fitness goals.

1) What was a misconception you had about CrossFit?

I had none. I walked in blind and was instantly addicted. There were just pull-ups happening everywhere. I had never seen anything like it.

2) What motivates you?

Being able to do this after having three kids. Being stronger than any other time in my life. This is an hour of the day that is completely free of any other obligation. For this hour I’m only responsible for working on my form, my lifting capacity, my speed, and my quick-witted comebacks. I am motivated by seeing how far I’ve come and looking to others in the gym about where I can be one day.

3) What are your training goals?

To beat Landon? Hahahaha. I just want to put on as much muscle as possible before hitting my 40’s. To move in ways that are going to benefit me into my 80’s.

4) What’s a moment you felt very proud of yourself in a workout?

Murph 2024 where I finally was able to do kipping pull-ups…..And that one where I beat Gabe.

5) What advice would you give someone that’s thinking about joining CrossFit?

Just show up. The coaches and the people here will motivate you to keep coming back.

6)  How has CrossFit changed your life outside of the gym?

Silent, glowing confidence. Knowing what you are capable of is just constant reassurance that you are doing what you need to do each day to be your best. The workouts we tackle are tough, and being able to tell yourself “I did 50 pull-ups today or 30 handstand push-ups” is just an incredible feeling.

7) What’s your favorite part about the community here?

Everyone is obviously here for a good workout, but there is also just such an amazing energy. I’ve tried group classes, running, personal training, online programs, and nothing checks all the boxes for me like CrossFit RR. The coaches and owners here have dedicated their life to helping people love movement and it is obvious that they were born to do this. The people here have become my friends just by sharing a bar, talking about how many reps we did, and working through a partner workout together.