
We believe our fundamentals program is the safest and most effective way to teach, coach and educate new members on not just the CrossFit methodology but the lifestyle that goes along with it. Healthy minds and bodies aren’t just built inside the gym, so there is a vast educational component that goes along with learning not just how to move properly inside the gym but what needs to happen away from it as well. Our coaches are invested in your health, fitness and safety and that is why we choose to go the route we do. We want to make sure we take your pace in learning and understanding how to live your fittest, healthiest, longest life possible. 

With our fundamental programs will give you all the tools you need to change your life. Our coaches will move at your pace in learning the vast movement index required within the CrossFit Round Rock program along with numerous educational components regarding lifestyle habits and behaviors because healthy minds and bodies aren’t just created in the gym. This program will be individualized and tailored for you at your own pace and progression.

Meet Your Coach

During this hour, we will explain to you the CrossFit Round Rock philosophy and how it will get you, and keep you, more fit than you ever could have imagined. We will also put you through a short fitness assessment to determine your current strengths and limitations.

One on One Fundamentals

After your fitness assessment, you will begin one-on-one personal training sessions with your coach. During these sessions, you will learn 35 to 40 key movements. You will build strength, speed, power, and stamina. You will learn about proper warm-ups, mobility and recovery. You will develop better body awareness and will learn about injury-prevention. You will also tackle your diet, nutrition, and will work with your coach to discover the best fuel for your individual needs.

You will set short and long-term goals and commit to a plan to achieve them. After 5 to 15 sessions, you will be ready to graduate to group classes.

The cost of fundamentals will be determined by the individual based upon a movement screen and their individual goals. Each package is an up-front investment for the amount of sessions in that package.

Group Classes

Once you graduate to class, you will start attending group classes twice to three times a week. The social environment will give you a different sort of push, and will help you reach new heights of fitness. At the same time, you will continue to work with your coach on your specific limitations in a one-on-on environment once a week or once a month. This will help both you and your coach continue to monitor your progress and will help keep you safe and injury-free.

Specialty Programs

After six months to a year of group classes, there might come a time where you want to train on a specific skill. Maybe you want to get your first muscle-up or improve your pulling strength. Maybe you’re interested in Olympic weightlifting or becoming a more efficient rower. We have specialty programs for you to add onto your membership; they range from strength-based programs to Olympic weightlifting, to our CrossFit competition program, to rowing and gymnastics seminars, to specific skill-based seminars, like our muscle-up program.

Are you ready to get started?
Book a free introduction today!