This is my archive

Sheldon’s Corner: Sheldon Challenges You – Every Evening Write Down 3 Things You’re Grateful For

Writing down 3 simple things… Keep reading

Sheldon’s Corner: Benefits of personal training at CFRR

Mastering skills is an essential… Keep reading

Sheldon’s Corner: Don’t be a Fibber! (Why “fibbing” on your results is really hurting you)

OK, we’ve all seen it… Keep reading

Sheldon’s Corner: “I have a cold, should I go to the gym?” Gym Etiquette

We’ve all been at a… Keep reading

Sheldon’s Corner: Sheldon Challenges YOU: 1 min plank hold/day

I don’t know to many… Keep reading

Sheldon’s Corner: Benefits Of An Early Morning WOD

For someone who is not… Keep reading

Sheldon’s Corner: How Overthinking Hinders Your Performance

When you really want to… Keep reading

Sheldon’s Corner: Tips to perfect your Split Jerk

The split Jerk is all… Keep reading

Sheldon’s Corner: 6 Cues for efficient rowing

Rowing’s efficiency and effectiveness, plus… Keep reading

Sheldon’s Corner: *Challenge* drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water a day

It’s amazing how many maladies… Keep reading