This is my archive

Mastering the Plank Hold

Not everyone loves to get… Keep reading

Importance of a Hollow Body

We often program hollow rocks… Keep reading

How do I ‘Clean’ up my act?

Power Clean can be a… Keep reading

Farewell to Coach Texana

“Throughout the years I have… Keep reading

Squat Therapy

For the next 2 weeks… Keep reading

Why should an athlete band floss?

What is Voodoo Band Flossing?… Keep reading

Is It Time To Say Adios To Gluten?

Times have changed and so… Keep reading

December Athlete of the Month – Marcus Garcia

We are incredibly proud to… Keep reading

Snatch Progressions

When I’ve been teaching the… Keep reading

It’s not called Thanks-bingeing

With the Holidays coming up,… Keep reading