Squat Therapy

For the next 2 weeks we are going back to the drawing board with the air squat at CFRR. The movement that seems so simple and is so easily over looked. The air squat sets the stage for every movement you do in CrossFit and to be honest, it is one of the most important exercises in CrossFit programming. Without building a solid foundation with an excellent air squat, the rest of the exercises you perform will suffer.

“How can you expect to overhead squat before your air squat is developed? And how can you expect to snatch without a great overhead squat?” Coach Glassman

How do we fix our squat issues? Just like we fix everything else in CrossFit; work on form, consistency, and then intensity. If your form is less than stellar, you have probably heard one of your favorite coaches try to help you with cues. Not every part of your squat can be fixed on command. This is where squat therapy comes in…

We will kick off Squat Therapy this Monday and Tuesday with a few basic tests. These simple tests will allow you as an athlete to witness first hand what underlining faults you have. Each athlete will partner up in classes and will grade one another using the scorecard you can see below. Then from there we will take some time to work each persons particular faults with a fix.

Squat therapy CFRR

After we have established where there is work to be made, we will begin to hyper-focus on mastering the air squat till the 18th in ALL CFRR classes.  None of us has a perfect squat but we are all going to work to improve position, muscle activation, awareness and mobility. We are excited for all the PR’s that come out of correcting this silently powerful total body movement!