Mastering the Plank Hold

Not everyone loves to get into a plank and hold that position for any amount of time, it’s tough, takes strength, and demands many muscle groups to work with every second that passes. If you are one of the many who dread this position, you’re not alone. However, understanding the benefits that come with this exercise and the proper form, it may in fact motivate you to get more excited to plank your little heart out!

The 4 top benefits of the plank:

  1. Reduce Back Pain
  2. Increase Flexibility
  3. Improve Your Balance and Posture
  4. Core Strength (which is at the core of every exercise)

The plank position is most important for the gravitational forces on your spine that are coming from the opposite side-the front. These forces cause your lumbar spine to want to sag and extend, and you must pull your spine away from the ground and focus on squeezing your butt and pulling your belly in tight in order to neutralize your pelvis for better alignment. Imagine your hollow body position to achieve proper hip position.

Many of us lose our lumbar spine and start to sag (i.e. allowing our hips to fall closer to the ground). This happens because we are NOT squeezing our glutes and start letting go of our rib-cage connected to our belly button. In order to get great glute activation our feet must be together, while at the same time pulling our ribcage down to our belly button.

To begin your plank position, your arms must be locked out and under your shoulders-this is incredibly important and probably most forgotten when setting up. Test this out on yourself-set up in your plank just as you normally would, then move your hands back an inch or so, be sure to line your knuckles up with your shoulders. In just that one small adjustment, you will most likely feel more core engagement.

Once you have your arms and shoulders in proper placement, make a straight line from your head to toes, your legs are straight, and your feet together and flexed, with the balls of your feet supporting your body while your butt and belly are tight.

Ideally, you will feel your core, and only your core begin to work and burn almost instantly!
The plank hold is superior to many ab/core exercises out there, and in my opinion at the top of the list for gaining overall core strength.


Another way of performing a plank hold can be from your forearms. This is a great modification if you have any wrist injuries but want the benefits for your body from a plank hold. Now get out there and master the plank hold any way you can, and do it often!