Reborn Athlete – Robert Garza

I started CrossFit over 5 years ago. Why did I decide to join? Well, I had just been diagnosed as diabetic and I weighed about 275 pounds all at the age of 51 years old. My doctor was concerned that my blood sugar was so high and decided to put me on insulin along with other diabetes meds. I knew that I had to do something to improve my health or else I would not make to age 60. I along with a lot of people get bogged down with work and other life situations that sometimes leave our health for last. I had gone to gyms in the past, but I soon stopped going because I got bored and had no fitness direction. I knew that I could not change the past, but I could change my present and set myself up for a brighter future. That’s where CFRR comes into the picture and my commitment to make change happen. My CFRR journey has been fun and challenging at the same time, but I think the point is everyone must start somewhere.

CrossFit has been a life saver for me, I can honestly say that I love attending class and I love the professional staff of trainers that work at CFRR. They are truly a group of dedicated professionals that strive to help you improve your functional fitness by focusing on fundamentals in a very supportive nonjudgmental atmosphere. What sets CFRR apart from other gyms is the daily programming of the workouts and their commitment to the athletes. I certainly would not be where I am today without CFRR and my commitment to improve at least 1% each day.

Today, I am 70 pounds lighter, at ideal weight, have kept the weight off, and my blood sugar is in the normal range, and I am off insulin. Today, I am in the best shape in my adult life and still striving to be just a little bit better each day. I see how far that I have come, and I am just amazed at the things that am now able to do. Even though I am not a perfect, I am setting myself up for the long haul. What I like best about CFRR is the community of people that are there to support reach your goals. Am I REBORN, I definitely think so.