Reborn Athlete – Luke Bader

I found CrossFit my sophomore year of College which was fall of 2019. My sister introduced me to it as she had been doing CrossFit since she was in college before me. We both grew up playing soccer so we missed the competition of playing a sport and I had gotten out of shape since high school.

CrossFit gave me a way to get back in shape and push myself physically while also finding a community. It’s also given me a way to relieve stress. I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety for a few years now. The stress relief of lifting or moving is a great way to deal with internal stressors as well as a time to be introspective and think through whatever issues are going on. But the much more important part of it for me has been the community.

Through my 5 years of CrossFit I’ve found numerous coaches and friends that I look forward to seeing. They are always willing to listen and help everyone in the gym when they can. If you’re ever struggling, either internally or physically, reach out to someone in the gym for help. I can tell you from experience someone here will always lend a hand to hold or ear to listen.