October Athlete of the Month – Mike Stearns

For over a decade, Mike Stearns has been showing up consistently to CFRR. In that time we have seen him progress his movements, strength and conditioning. This journey began in his 50’s and now, in his 60’s, he’s continuing to progress all around.

A husband, father and grandfather, Mike is certainly setting the example for not only his family but his CFRR community as well. What’s that message? That age is merely just a number and that consistency is the key to longevity.

Thank you Mike for being such a devoted member of the CFRR community and allowing us to be a part of your journey! Get to know Mike a little bit better…

1) How long have you been a member at CFRR ?
10 years

2) What was a misconception you had about CrossFit before joining?
It was for super athletes and not for older people like me

3) What is your biggest motivation?

To stay healthy and enjoy the times I get to spend with my CrossFit family of friends.

4) What are your current training goals?

To show up consistently, 3 times a week and do the WOD within my own physical limits regardless of what everyone else is doing. In the first few years, I always wanted to try to Rx each WOD, but now I am very content to have a good workout whether or not if I finish a WOD, or have to scale way back. I am thankful for each day of life that God allows me to live and blessed to be part of the CrossFit Round Rock community.

5) Tell us about a moment you felt most proud of yourself during a workout? Just last week, the WOD had 8 rounds which included 7 Toes to bar each round, although I had to shorten the runs in the WOD, I finished all 56 TTBs – not the prettiest form, but got my toes to the bar on all of them… then I died from lack of oxygen… just kidding, felt good to accomplish that.

6) What advice do you have for new athletes just starting out in CrossFit?

Just show up, you will always be glad you did, and you will be an inspiration to others around you.

7)  How has CrossFit changed your life outside of the gym? I have been a workaholic most of my life and put far too much priority on my job. CrossFit helps to reduce my work stress and I never think about work when I’m working out which is healthy for my mind and body.

8) What do you like most about CFRR?

The people and community are the most important to me and the workouts keep me healthy to hopefully show up for another day Lord willing. I love the chance to meet people and share life with them, there are a lot of lonely and hurting people in the world who just need caring people in their lives. Landon and Adrian are faithful caring people and they have a coaching staff that sincerely care for each person in the gym. That is a rare find in my opinion and that is why I keep showing up.