January Athlete of the Month – Randy Alvarez

Randy has been a member of CFRR for almost 2 years and consistently attends the 06:15 class on MWF. Over this past year, something clicked with Randy and he took his game to the next level. His technique and nutrition became his focus and the results speak for themselves.

Congratulations Randy Alvarez. Your hard work and dedication has not gone unnoticed and your self-improvement is an inspiration to those around you. We asked Randy a few questions about his fitness journey. Get to know him a little more by checking out his answers below.

1) What is your biggest motivation?

A wise woman once told me “ I want to be able to wipe my own butt when I’m 80”. Kali Fresacher literally said this to me in the 1st 3 minutes of meeting when I was thinking of joining CFRR. Words to live by!


2) Your favorite quote or words to live by?

“It is what it is”.

I deal with so much change in my life and especially work that you have to learn to just go with the flow and only worry about what’s in your control.


3) What is your current training goals/PRs?

My goal is to be consistent and show up. Sometimes it’s a challenge as I work 10+ hours a day. I really don’t have any PR goals. I just want to feel good which just comes with the territory of showing up an moving.


4) Take us back to your first day of CrossFit… How did you feel? How do you compare it to workouts today?

My first day was fundamentals with Marcus. He basically taught me how to walk again.  I felt I had the base there I just needed the guidance for proper form/movement. I was excited to start working towards a better me. I was also nervous as I knew I was so far behind where I was many years ago. I remember going home and saying to my wife, “you should see the girls there killing it”. Really I was comparing myself to others while my pride took a hit.

Today’s version of me is a great improvement. I still work on my form and mobility but it’s definitely not the Day 1 me.


5) What advice do you have for new athletes just starting out in CrossFit?

It’s cliché but you really can’t compare yourself to others. We all have a story and a reason for being here. Just show up, be consistent and you will notice the improvements.


6) Tell us about a moment you felt most proud of yourself during a workout?

I don’t remember the exact work out(s) but I do remember it was a little after we opened back up from the shutdown. I just remember going from being one of the people that finish last to finishing first or close to it.


7) What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit?

I like to fish mainly at the coast and am still waiting for Marcus to take meL! I’m also into sports, my kids and their activities. Most of all I’m a home body which drives my wife nutsJ!


8) What’s your favorite part of CrossFit Round Rock?

I Like the sense of belonging to something / the community. Anyone who was ever part of a group such as the military (Semper Fi!) knows when it’s gone you kind of have an emptiness that you long to get back. Semper Fi!


9) If you could create a WOD and name it for yourself, what would it be?

I don’t know I’m still learning the names of the WOD’s now! I like anything with weights. Cleans, push press, snatch etc. I would probably name it OW! This Hurts!


10) How has your diet changed since starting CrossFit (if it has), and what foods do you rely on most?

Initially when I started I cut out all junk food, fast food, soda and beer L. I quickly saw the pounds fall off but eventually hit a plateau. I then started meal prepping which got me over the hump and made it a lot easier to stay away from eating things that were just convenient. I don’t know if I will ever get to a point where I’m counting macros or eating completely healthy. I’m more concerned on how I feel. I will adjust as needed.