July Athlete of the Month – Andy Workman

Andy Worman has a solid beard. It’s majestic & we’ve named it Galco which is Hebrew for kindness. 

Andy has been a member at CFRR since April of 2018. He has been extremely consistent to say the very least. After going through Fundamentals he jumped into group classes and quickly became a favorite amongst other members. During his first year, Andy dropped a grand total of 8 pounds before deciding that wasn’t good enough at which point he decided to focus on his nutrition. Since the beginning of 2019, he’s lost an additional 36lbs to bring his grand total to 44lbs of weight loss and 5% Body Fat.

Andy is a staple at the 8:30 am class and most community events. We asked him about his CrossFit journey and this is what he had to say. 

What is your biggest motivation?

My biggest motivation is to simply be able to be active and do whatever it is I want to do! I was medically retired from the Army in 2014, addicted to pain medication, and just sitting around doing nothing! Since being at CFRR for over a year, I’ve been able to lose over 40 pounds, complete my first Spartan race, and have begun training for my first triathlon (next year).

Your favorite quote or words to live by?

I think it’s important to lead by example! Whether it’s for my family or the players I coach, I want to demonstrate an active, fit lifestyle.

What is your current training goals/PRs?

My current fitness goal is to get my bodyweight down to 215 pounds. After that, I’ll focus more on Bodyfat percentage and lifting PR’s again. With the weight loss my strength numbers have gone down, however I’ve been able to establish more realistic gymnastic movement goals over this next year: Strict Handstand Pushups and Chest to Bar Pullups (Hopefully leading into Muscle Ups!!!).

Take us back to your first day of CrossFit… How did you feel? How do you compare it to workouts today?

My first day at CFRR was quite a wakeup call for me. I had been lifting and running, but it felt like I hadn’t been doing anything! I had no idea how to pace each workout. I still struggle with this, but I ask more questions now, and try to understand the intent of each workout. I can’t say the workouts have gotten easier….In fact, I think they’ve gotten harder because I’m able to do a little more without “redlining.”

What advice do you have for new athletes just starting out in CrossFit?

My niece just started CrossFit so I was able to actually give her some advice. Listen to your coaches and learn the movements, learn the movements, learn the movements before adding or going up in weight! Working out with people who are literally half my size have demonstrated to me that technique is everything. I also warned her that if she or any person ever comments on a workout and says “Well, it’s only….,” to be concerned and maybe reread what’s in the workout!

Tell us about a moment you felt most proud of yourself during a workout?

One of my prouder moments has actually come with in the last month or so. It was a workout that had a lot of pull ups and I was able to do them all without a band!

What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit?

My family and I are lake people! Just about every weekend, during the summer, we can be found floating on or around our pontoon boat, in our favorite cove on Lake Travis, listening to Texas Country. Shooting is more of my own hobby. I plan to enter competitions more regularly in the coming months.

What’s your favorite part of CrossFit Round Rock?

To me, the community is the driving force of CFRR. I love that sense of belonging to something!!!

If you could create a WOD and name it for yourself, what would it be?

I’d like to name it “But Did You Die?” Not a soul crusher, but enough to get your attention and make you feel like you accomplished something! Perhaps combining a Strength lift, an Olympic lift, and Bodyweight/Gymnastic movement with a run/bike/or row!

How has your diet changed since starting CrossFit (if it has), and what foods do you rely on most?

It only took a year, but better late than never! Just over 4 months ago I did a body comp with Landon and I had only gone down 8 pounds. Body fat had decreased but I wanted more, so I finally started listening to what ya’ll have been saying this whole time…..NUTRITION!!!!!!!!!! Apparently, it’s the base of the CrossFit Pyramid for a reason. Fast Food has almost completely been eliminated. I have had Whataburger once in these last 4 months. I no longer drink juice in the morning and I’ll have a Coke Zero or Diet Dr. Pepper every once in a while. As a family, we’ll go out to eat once in a week or two. Our go to meals usually involves ground turkey, chicken breast and thighs, and an occasional steak. Spinach, bananas, and berries are my mainstays, along with my Juice Plus. I’ve logged my food in My Fitness Pal for over 110 days now and try to get my micros as close as possible to the 40 C, 30 P, 30 F breakdown, while staying under 1900 calories a day. I don’t meal prep, but I try to plan a day ahead (thanks Daniel) to see what and how much I can