July Athlete of the Month – Eryn Dahlstedt

Let’s start by congratulating Eryn Dahlstedt on achieving the coveted Athlete of the Month award!! Eryn moved here from Colorado 3 years ago. She wanted to find her place, her community, her Texas family. Thankfully is searching for those things she came across CFRR. From the first day she walked through the doors she was open to coaching, getting outside of her comfort zone, & getting to know everyone. She dove right into CrossFit but more importantly so got involved in the community. She attended the events we hosted as well as participated in the CrossFit Open every year. We are truly thankful that we have gotten to know Eryn over the past 3 years. Cheers to you girl! We love you! Check out her answers below, to a few questions we asked her about her journey.

1) What is your biggest motivation?

My biggest motivation is definitely the community and the amazing friends I’ve met at CrossFit. When I realized I’d be moving to Austin, I needed a way to meet people, but never thought I’d find such a great group. 

2) Your favorite quote or words to live by?

“Reality can be beaten with enough imagination.”― Mark Twain

“Be who you are and say what you think, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

3) What are your current training goals/PRs?

After the quarantine a lot of my goals are to get back to where I was. I want to be more dedicated than ever and rebuild what I’ve lost. If I manage to get a PR or two this year that’d be great too.

4) Take us back to your first day of CrossFit… How did you feel? How do you compare it to workouts today?

First day of CrossFit was pretty intense, but it was thankfully not as intimidating as I would have thought. Everyone made me feel welcome pretty quickly. I certainly feel like I’ve come a long way, how much I lift and what I can endure. I know I’m stronger than I’ve ever been and am very proud of how far I’ve come.

5) What advice do you have for new athletes just starting out in CrossFit?

No matter where you are in your fitness CrossFit is going to be an amazing change. You’re not surrounded by strangers, but instead by people who will never embarrass or discourage you. It’s easy to compare yourself to others and feel frustrated, but here everyone is in your corner and cheering you on so you just need to focus on meeting your goals. Simply it’s a safe and non-judging place where if you stay dedicated to your workouts it will pay off.

6) Tell us about a moment you felt most proud of yourself during a workout?

For some reason it was a big deal for me when I finally was able to lift more than my own bodyweight. It was the end of wendler I believe and my deadlift finally was above my weight! Even got about 15lbs over. Was a nice and amazing moment. 

7) What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit?

Outside of CrossFit I have enjoyed playing soccer, performing in Belly and Bollywood Dance Teams, and playing the Hammered Dulcimer. I’m also a huge animal lover, my two shiba inus and kitty cat are my world. 

8) What’s your favorite part of CrossFit Round Rock?

The coaches and the community. I’ve made many great friends here. I’ve loved being able to continue working on myself and fitness with amazing people by my side. I remember a wod where it felt like everyone finished and I wasn’t even close to finishing. I was so frustrated and angry. I just left to go feel sorry for myself, but multiple people messaged me that night because they knew I was upset and were worried. The people at CFRR don’t just care about my physical health, but my mental health as well. Can’t tell you how much that meant to me. In a lot of ways getting in a great workout and working on my physical health has just been a bonus, the coaches and members have helped me through so much. The last few months being in quarantine having CFRR was a life saver. I had no sense of schedule or connection with others except through the zoom workouts. Being able to see/talk with the coaches and the willingness to figure out bodyweight versions of workouts proved how dedicated they were to helping me continue my fitness/mental health even in the worst of times.

9) If you could create a WOD and name it for yourself, what would it be?

The Harley Quinn: Would contain Sledge Strikes, DB Snatches and Bear Complex

10) How has your diet changed since starting CrossFit (if it has), and what foods do you rely on most?

My biggest vice has been eating out. I’ve cut back drastically and have started to actually cook more at home. I use services like HelloFresh and Freshly. I admit it is still something I struggle with, but it’s definitely improved.
