June Athlete of the Month – Doug Windland

Our June Athlete of the Month is Doug Windland. Doug joined with his wife Jenn almost 1 year ago. They have been a staple in the community ever since. Doug took on his first CrossFit Open this past February and set some new PRs and gained some new goals as well. He is always consistent in maintaining proper form above all else & doesn’t miss a day even if he is traveling or not! Below are a few questions that let you get to know Doug a bit better.

1)      What is your biggest motivation?

The desire to just show up. As a community we, in some way, rely on each other to be there. Wouldn’t be much of a community, much less fun, without everyone’s consistency. Sure, I’m ultimately working out for me (and I enjoy it), but I’m there for you too. If I don’t show up on a given day (or week), I have a damn good reason.

2)      Your favorite quote or words to live by?

You are not special. There’s always someone out there a little bit smarter, a little bit stronger, a little bit faster… Accept your capabilities (and improve them) and appreciate those of others.

3)      What is your current training goals/PRs?

Consistent double-unders. Like 20 in a row. All the time. Not 5. I’m tired of sighing when I see them in a workout.

4)      Take us back to your first day of CrossFit… How did you feel? How do you compare it to workouts today?

How did I feel? Like this is gonna hurt. But, I also knew gains would be imminent. I know my movements have much improved, thanks to the coaching. I consider myself in the adolescence of my movements, with much still to learn.

5)      What advice do you have for new athletes just starting out in CrossFit?

The whole of programming at CFRR is already well planned out for you. You hardly have to think about it. All you have to do is… keep showing up. Listen to the coaches. Be motivated by, and thus motivate your fellow athletes.

6)      Tell us about a moment you felt most proud of yourself during a workout?

When I was able to string together some kipping HSPU with no mats or pads during skill work. I hate being upside down… and you want me to bring my knees toward my chest!?

7)      What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit?

Being silly with my little girl and watching my little man count to 10. Pretty cute. I’m also not bad at fixing broken toys in Daddy’s fix-It basket. Got a matchbox car that doesn’t roll straight, or a broken wing on a My Little Pony? I’m your huckleberry.

8)      What’s your favorite part of CrossFit Round Rock?

Just being there. Ever notice how it’s almost impossible to be stressed or in a bad mood during and after a workout alongside others doing the same?

9)     If you could create a WOD and name it for yourself, what would it be?

There is No Tomorrow. A nice long workout where you leave yourself, find the zone and grind it out. I’d be up for something like that with almost any movement… except for double-unders (for now).

10)   How has your diet changed since starting CrossFit (if it has), and what foods do you rely on most?

Vegetables are my joy, fruit is my chore. I’ve been trying to work more fruit into my pre-workout meals. I’ve also been much more intentional with my intake of complex carbs. I’ve been opting for more starchy vegetables (roots, squash, etc.) and beans/legumes rather than grains and rice. Mainly because the latter makes me feel full and slow. I prefer to be nimble and ready to go at all times.