October Athlete of the Month – Steve Halleck

October’s Athlete of the Month is STEVE HALLECK.

Sometimes people walk into the gym and they immediately become a gym staple. That’s exactly what Steve did when he first joined over a year ago & a half ago. He immersed himself in the community & strived to progress his fitness every day. In August we got to have this guy back with us after almost a year of him being deployed overseas.

Even after he got deployed overseas he still followed our programming & stuck to his goals, & would sometimes join community events via FaceTime. While in Iraq, that athlete mindset earned him his first Muscle Up.

We know we don’t get to keep him for long but while he is here we wanted to celebrate all of his achievements. Thank you for defending our freedoms & being one of the most stand up guys we will ever know! Keep scrolling to get to know Steve more.

1) What is your biggest motivation?

My biggest motivation has always been improvement. I remember how despite years of working out in the gym, I still had very little knowledge of anything beyond the most standard of Olympic exercises. So everytime I come to class I try and get just a little better at those core exercises.

2) Your favorite quote or words to live by?

 I don’t really have any quotes or words I live by. Sorry, just dull that way 🙂

3) What is your current training goals/PRs?

My current goals are to get back to the level of fitness I was at previously as well as finally making it into the 1,000 lbs club. I was only about 100 pounds off before the gyms closed, but I know I’ve regressed some since then. I hope to get back to that level before the end of the year.

4) Take us back to your first day of CrossFit… How did you feel? How do you compare it to workouts today?

My first day of Crossfit I was extremely nervous. I’m more of a longer in the gym. I’m there becasue I enjoy working out and keeping healthy. So group workouts were new to me. But everyone, including you Sam, was so friendly and welcoming it felt very easy to fit in. I’d like to think that the workouts have gotten easier, I know that some of the more complex movements (and not so complex (cough cough double unders cough cough)) have gotten easier.

5) What advice do you have for new athletes just starting out in CrossFit?

My advice would be to just take the leap. I know I was concerned that maybe I wouldn’t like it or maybe I just wouldn’t fit in bt ultimatley these people have become like a second family to me. They’ve made me laugh, they’ve made me sweat, and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.

6) Tell us about a moment you felt most proud of yourself during a workout?

My proudest moment was a) when I fianlly broke 300 lbs on deadlift or b) when I finally got 20 or 25 DUs in a row after failing at them for months.

7) What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit?

Haha its really just work, Crossfit, and schoolwork right now. Rinse & repeat.

8) What’s your favorite part of CrossFit Round Rock?

My favorite part is the people. I’ve made so many friends here. I feel that I have been very spoiled here and I am not looking forward to having to find a new gym somewhere 🙁 because I know that I will always be comparing them to the great people I met here.

9) If you could create a WOD and name it for yourself, what would it be?

SO DUs, obviosuly. Deadlift, thrusters, etc. Nothing’s quite as invigorating of a workout as when your legs collapse on you afterwards 🙂

10) How has your diet changed since starting CrossFit (if it has), and what foods do you rely on most?

I mostly just try to incorporate more greens in and be more conscious of what I’m putting in my body. Typically that means a lot of lean chicken and salads.