Sheldon’s Corner: Running is my arch nemisis!

Running…one of those things that are purposely overlooked by many CrossFitters. There isn’t much anyone can tell you or show you to make it easier, you just have to go out there and do…and if you’re like me, that’s the hardest part. I always say I’m going to run this week, but for some reason it just doesn’t happen. If it’s not built into the WOD, it doesn’t get done. The thing to remember here is that running is an important component of CrossFit. It may not be a very high intensity workout, but it is important for body conditioning and endurance. Not to mention, by consistently running…when it does come up in the WOD, you won’t feel like crap in the middle of the workout.

If you’re having trouble getting out there and want to become a better runner, here are 10 tips to consider and help you along the way:

1 Get the Right Running Shoes:

You can run without shoes, with strange glove-like minimalist shoes, or with any of many different types of running shoes. Find what’s most comfortable for you. Buy the right shoes for your environment and feet or, if you’re going the barefoot route, try to ease into it.

2 Lace Your Shoes for Better Comfort:

Who knew there were so many ways to lace your running shoes? Different techniques can make your shoes feel less tight, accommodate wide feet, and more. Comfort is key when it comes to injury protection.

3 Make a Smooth Transition from Walking or Jogging to Running:

Few of us can go from hardly ever moving around to being a regular ten-mile-a-day runner. You have to ease into it. Slowly graduate from walking to running in intervals (e.g., 1 minute of running for every four minutes of walking, per Runner’s World).

4 Let Zombies Train You:

Okay, so zombies are slow (at least in most film and TV portrayals), but facing a horde of zombies sure can get your adrenaline up and keep you moving. Zombie Apocalypse workouts and apps like Zombies, Run! are effective because they add a narrative to your exercise and, perhaps, fun.

5 Track Your Progress:

Keep tabs on your running (and other health actions and goals), and you’re more likely to stick to your plan and get better. Besides the plethora of smartwatches and fitness trackers on the market now, your smartphone can track your running habits to see how you’re doing. Tracking and analyzing your runs could also help you prevent injuries in the future.

6 Set Goals:

Just having a goal can help you go from jogging to running 100 miles a month. The goal can be as simple as “don’t quit” (running every day for at least a mile or making sure you don’t go three days between runs) or as motivating as participating in an organized event, like a charity run. When you’re starting out, speed or distance might not matter as much as just showing up.

7: Get into Proper Form:

Good running form makes you run more efficiently, so you’re not wasting movements and energy while you’re running. It also helps prevent injuries and helps you run faster.

8 Create the Perfect Running Playlist:

Depending on the type of runner you are, music could boost your running performance by 15 percent. The speed of the music you listen to (songs’ beats per minute or BMP) also affect how your runs might go.

9 Switch Up Your Routine:

Running the same roads, in the same way, at the same time day after day can become repetitive. If your runs have become a bit boring, switch them up with some hilly runs, a change of scenery, a different route, splitting your workouts into different paces, or adding in different types of exercises on other days.

10 Motivate Yourself to Stay on Track:

Pun not intended. You probably already know the benefits of running (even just five minutes a day could improve your health) as well as the downsides (how easy it is to injure yourself and how much patience it takes to increase your distance running). Whether you’re doing this competitively or just on your own, developing a running practice or habit takes perseverance, especially on those days when it’s too hot to run or too cold or you’d just rather sleep in. Refresh your run with a running buddy and a reminder of the reasons why you run, and reward yourself for keeping at it.

All Made Simple – by: S.George


“If you continue to do what you have always done, then you will continue to be who you have always been…you must change to change…”