Sheldon’s Corner: The Final Chapter

Well…my friends, it’s come time for me to say good-bye. My wife Bethany and I are moving to Vancouver, BC in Canada. I know…really far away right! If I have to be honest though, it’s one of the most beautiful places we’ve been and the quality of life is amazing. We’ve been wanting to move to the Pacific NW for a while now and we’ve finally made the push to do it. You only live once right…that’s the model of the YOLO!

It does sadden me to leave though, as I’ve been part of the CrossFit Round Rock family for over 7 years. It has been literally a life changing experience and I can’t thank Adrian and Landon enough for all the love and support they’ve given me throughout my time there. My mind and body have completely transformed from the first day I started CrossFit at their Box. I am in the best shape of my life and have maintained a healthy lifestyle sine the beginning. I also want to thank all the coaches and classmates I’ve worked out with over the years for their hard work and camaraderie. Every class was enjoyable, fun, and challenging…which is exactly what I always wanted.

I’m not the very best at saying good-bye, so instead of a somber farewell, I’d like to leave you all with this thought that I say to myself every day:

While I may not have all the answers…and while I may not know all the steps to take, and can’t quite identify exactly what doors will open…I do know that as I travel through time and space, the path will reveal itself…and I will figure it all out as I go along. For we are creators of our own reality…masters of our Universe. We are vibrating at frequencies that are generating juggernaut momentum…and with this juggernaut momentum, no dream is to big, no goal is to small…impossible is not impossible at all. For what you think – you become, what you imagine – you create, and what you feel – you attract….ask – believe – receive. That’s the power of the Universe.”

I wish all of you the best and hope to see you again one day!

P.S.  Yes they do have CrossFit in Canada and I will continue my journey there!

All Made Simple – by: S.George


“If you continue to do what you have always done, then you will continue to be who you have always been…you must change to change…”