Sheldon’s Corner: When to Replace Your CrossFit Shoes

When it comes to working out, failure is a good thing. Bringing your muscles to the quivering brink of structural integrity is what makes muscles stronger. But when it comes to your footwear, the last thing you want is failure. Unlike muscles, shoes are not bound to the same laws of recovery. Once they’re done, they’re done. Use them past their “expiration point” and they may be doing you more harm than good.

It becomes important, then, to understand how long your shoes might last given your chosen workout regimen and how to know when they’ve expired.

How Long Do Workout Shoes Last?
When it comes to shoes, you really do tend to get what you pay for. Shoes that are purpose-designed with higher-quality materials tend to last longer. But no matter the manufacturer, studies have shown most shoes exhibit similar wear in one very important area: compression capabilities, or their ability to absorb the shock of you jumping.

According to research published by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), the average running shoe loses 50 percent of its compression capability in 300 to 500 miles of use. Researchers concluded that most shoes should be replaced within that mileage window or every six months, whichever comes first. But how do you calculate that when your workout doesn’t center around running?

How Your Specific Workout Affects A Shoe’s Lifespan
What does your workout entail? If it’s CrossFit, your workout is bound to include a lot of intense cardio and weight-lifting…you’ll essentially be racking up those simulated miles, in addition to jumping. In this case, those compressive forces may wear out the integrity of the shoe a bit faster than just taking a jog every morning. With moments of high-intensity and floor-to-floor exertion, CrossFit workouts will be less forgiving to the longevity of your gym shoes. However, the opposite applies if you’re a gym-goer who trains mostly with weights (like at a Gold’s Gym): You can expect markedly longer shoe life with these types of workouts.

And if you are a runner, the life of your shoe depends on intensity. Someone who runs sprints, for example, will be translating exponentially more force through the sole of the shoe than someone who just walks. If you are a sprinter, you may want to condense the NSCA’s six-month recommendation a bit.

Signs Your Shoes Are Done
So, how do you know if your shoes are ready for the circular file? The best way is a simple visual inspection of the shoe itself.

Don’t just look on the underside of the shoe. Take the time to inspect areas that display wear long before, such as the mid-sole, which is visible from the side of the shoe. If the mid-sole shows excessive horizontal creasing or wear on the areas that absorb the most load – the heel and the ball of the foot – then it’s probably time to toss them.

You can also perform what’s called a press test, where you press on the out-sole of the shoe and inspect for compression. If the out-sole gives very little, that means that the material is highly compressed and doing you about as much good as a set of snowshoes on hardwood.

Overall…don’t overlook what’s on your feet. The shoes you ware and how long you ware them can play a major role on your athletic performance and even your health. Inspect your shoes every few months and keep track of how long you’ve had them. When the time comes, don’t be afraid to toss them and cough up another pair.

Original Article: Click Here

All Made Simple – by: S.George


“If you continue to do what you have always done, then you will continue to be who you have always been…you must change to change…”