Sheldon’s Corner: Sheldon Challenges YOU: Adrien’s House of Pain

Have you heard of it…”Adrien’s House of Pain”? If so, great…if not, well you’re about to learn a whole lot more. You may be thinking…I know Adrien, who is a great coach and owner of CFRR, but what is this “House of Pain” you speak of. Well, I’ll explain and give you good reason why you should check it out ASAP.

Adrien’s House of pain is a weekly blog that teaches you about the love-hate relationship we all have with “Mobility”. It also demonstrates new and exciting ways to increase your pain threshold. I know that sounds scary, but don’t get scared…this is actually a good thing, trust me. Some mobility is uncomfortable and may even hurt a bit at first, but once you’re doing it right, the benefits are enormous.

You shouldn’t be worried about that horrible office chair you sit in every day and the immense back pain that ensues from it. Adrien’s House of Pain will help fix that and so much more. Learn to move your muscles correctly again. It’ll be painful, but your body will love you for it.

Check out a short introductory video below:

I encourage all of you to complete Adrien’s House of Pain mobility each week. It will not only help your CrossFit game, but will change your life.

Here is a link to Adrien’s blog series: Adrien’s House of Pain

All Made Simple – by: S.George


“If you continue to do what you have always done, then you will continue to be who you have always been…you must change to change…”